Between 2016 and 2018, three more of our children, Lilian, Dennis and Faridah, after passing their O/L exams at Kaliro High School, enrolled into Teacher Training Colleges. We fully covered the tuition fees, subsistence and accommodation for their studies. 
After completing the 2-year course, they all graduated with a Certificate and found jobs as Primary School and Nursery School Teachers in schools at major Ugandan cities. They are all now financially independent and Lilian is also supporting her younger sister into education.
Lilian and Dennis expressed interest into upgrading their qualification to a Diploma and we plan to contribute to their additional studies.
Although we felt very pleased and fulfilled to see some of our children reaching Higher Education, the cost of the studies in Uganda's Higher Education institutions is significantly more than that of Primary and Secondary Education. 
Therefore in 2017, due to lack of funds and with mixed feelings, we had to make the decision not to support any more orphans and vulnerable children, entering Buyonjo Primary School. This is until the children we currently support in Higher Education become completely financially independent.
In the future, we hope and pray that we will be able to meet more of the huge need in Kaliro. 
Sahan with Dennis, one of the children to enrol into Teacher Training between 2016 and 2018. Dennis completed the course and started work as a Primary School Teacher. Uganda, 2020.


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