Eric is Talemwa's treasurer. He works in the public sector in the UK and has been involved in holiday clubs for children for many years. He has a heart for underprivileged children.
Sahan Thalayasingam (Trustee)
Sahan is a retired senior scientist and lay preacher with a deep passion for the work of God. “I would really appreciate people’s prayers for the work in Uganda,” he says. “Talemwa is making a real difference. It’s expanding. Now we need God’s wisdom to find additional co-workers on the ground – true, committed people.”
Sugi Thalayasingam (Co-worker)
Sugi works as an accountant in local government education finance in the UK. Married to Sahan, Sugi has been on a number of visits to Kaliro. “When we see the needs, it’s heart-breaking. But there’s only so much we can do,” she says.
Sugi and Sahan Thalayasingam, Uganda 2009.
Dr Baker
Dr Baker provides medical support to the children in the programme. Dr Baker qualified in 2010 from the University of Makarere Medical school in Uganda.
Dr Baker giving a health check to the children of Buyonjo Primary School in 2009.
Bishop David and Marion Sebuhinja (Managers)
David and Marion manage Talemwa’s on-the-ground activities in Kaliro. They joined Talemwa in April 2012 after Bishop David retired from the Church of Uganda. They travel to Kaliro every month from their home in the outskirts of Kampala. They share the scriptures and pray with each child, monitor their progress and take responsibility for all aspects of their welfare. They also liaise with the staff at the Kaliro Primary and Kaliro High schools.
Bishop David and Marion Sebuhinja, Uganda 2012.
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