Between 2019 and 2020, we had 10 children to look after in Kaliro High School, who entered from Buyonjo Primary School. Four of them Brenda, Betty, Joram and Anthony are sitting their O/L and A/L exams at the end of this year.
We are also financing the Higher Education and Vocational Training of 9 children as follows:
Joan is following a course in Hair and Beauty at Nile Vocational Institute (NVI).
Phiona who passed her A/L well, is waiting to get into University in Kampala this year.
Andrew and Godfrey are following a course in Motor Mechanics at NVI.
Daniel and Brian are studying Civil Engineering at Mbale Technical College.
Enock and Bernard are following a course in Plumbing at NVI.
Samuel is in University in Kampala reading for a degree in Education.
We have also organised for the children who do Plumbing & Civil Engineering to have their practical training, which is an essential part of their course, with a large construction firm in Uganda, in the spring of 2020.
Covid-19 Update
Uganda had recently been in complete lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak. All schools, Colleges and Universities had to shut in March and people were told to stay at home, while transport was not available at all. Most people in Uganda are daily wage earners and have a hand to mouth existence. Having been unable to work and earn money and with the price of food rocketing up, they are now facing starving conditions.
Due to the transport restrictions we had been unable to help for some time. As measures have now eased, we can send our support again and have been providing funds to buy food for those who are starving. However, there is only so much we are able to do with our resources, as we need to make sure we have sufficient funds to support our children through the various courses. If you would like to support us through this extra difficult time of even greater need, caused by the coronavirus pandemic, please visit our Get Involved page to donate any amount you feel prompted to.
Sahan with Andrew, Anthony, Bernard, Brian, Daniel, Enock (his twin brother Godfrey, unfortunately was ill with malaria at the time) Joram and Saleh at Kaliro, Uganda in January 2020.
Sugi with Betty, Brenda, Joan, Lilian and Phiona at Kaliro, Uganda in January 2020.


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