Covid-19 Urgent Appeal
Since our last visit to Uganda in January 2020, the education and jobs of the children on our sponsorship program have been very badly affected due to the pandemic. The country’s main strategy to curb the spread of the virus has been to have a series of lockdowns with strict curfew. Schools, vocational institutes and universities have been shut for the most part of 2020 and 2021. This meant that even three of our sponsored children who had jobs as teachers, were made jobless overnight without any ongoing salary.
Most people in Uganda are daily wage earners and have a hand to mouth existence. Having been unable to work and earn money and with the price of food rocketing up, they are now facing starving conditions.
If you would like to help us through this extra difficult time of even greater need, caused by the coronavirus pandemic, please click on the button below to our JustGiving page. Any donation is greatly appreciated.
Donate to Talemwa
If you feel prompted to support our cause, we would be very grateful of any donation you would like to give.
The need in Kaliro is great and we wouldn't be able to carry on our work if it wasn't for the financial help we receive from Talemwa's friends and supporters. As more children advance into Higher Education, in particular, the costs of support increase. However, we strongly believe that Education is of outmost importance in helping them become self-sufficient and come out of poverty for good and we make every effort to use every donation purposefully. We have set up a JustGiving page to make it easy for you to donate.
To date, all administrative expenses and overheads have been borne by the trustees, meaning 100% of donations have gone directly to the support of the children in our care.
I would like to donate via JustGiving:
There are also other ways to help Talemwa's work, such as joining us in one of our annual trips to Kaliro. We are particularly in need of doctors, psychologists and teachers but also anyone who would be happy to help the children with their lessons and encourage them along, would be more than welcome.  If you would like any more information or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us on the email below:
Schoolgirls fetching water and therefore missing class. In 2009, Talemwa Initiative drilled a borehole in the school grounds which gave an end to these long journeys in the hot sun. This meant that the children from then on were able to fully attend school.


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